Saturday, June 18, 2011


"The best argument for Christianity is Christians: their joy, their certainty, their completeness.  But the strongest argument against Christianity is also Christians.  When they are somber and joyless, when they are self-righteous and smug in their complacent consecration, when they are narrow and repressive, then Christianity dies a thousand deaths.  But, though it is just to condemn some Christians for these things, perhaps, after all, it is not just, though very easy, to condemn Christianity itself for them.  Indeed there are impressive indications that the positive quality of joy is in Christianity - and possibly nowhere else.  If that were certain, it would be proof of a very high order."  ~Sheldon Vanauken's journal, in A Severe Mercy

This is the viewpoint of someone outside the Christian faith.  Mr. Vanauken eventually gave his heart over to Christ, becoming a Christian himself.  His perceptions before becoming a Christian are sad, but true.  I'm so grateful for grace... <3

When I first read this excerpt, I was deeply convicted.  Still am.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Breana's Story

Breana Lyn...July 28, 1986 - May 5, 2002

I was on my way to clean a house. I was in low spirits because I had received news the day before that my friend's daughter had a cancerous lump in the muscle behind her breast, near the collar bone. Breana was fourteen at the time, and we were all shaken by this news.

Trusting and Testing

And he took Him to Jerusalem and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to Him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written, 'He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you,' and 'On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.'"  And Jesus answered him, "It is said, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test."'  ~Luke 4:9-12

Standing on a chair, high up on the stage, I was supposed to fall backwards into the arms of my teammates who were waiting to catch me. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Compelled by Love

I started a really good study for the summer, and I'm loving it!!  I'm learning more about God's heart and our mission.  The subtitle is A Journey to Missional Living.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fear - Part 2 ... and Reconciliation

When two people love the Lord, it is reassuring to know that He intercedes on their behalf.  The Spirit is interceding (because that's what He does!), and Jesus is our Mediator (because that's who He is!)

I had a sense that I was to cut myself off for a time.  But a caution came against staying too long when I read, "Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment." (Pr. 18:1)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Echos of Canyon Ridge...

When Fear Gets in the Way - Part 1

I'm sharing a letter that was written in the midst of conflict.  Sometimes, as the dust is flying, it's hard to see what is true.  I think fear gets in the way, and we become more concerned with protecting ourselves than seeing or doing what's right.  What a great reminder that God can and does speak in the midst of a battle.  We just need to quiet ourselves long enough to pay attention.  I pray that this will minister to someone today...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Tender Gesture

He would approach with head bowed, eyes down... Humility.  This is the proper way to show honor and respect to a king...a master...a lord.  Jacob sought to find favor with his brother after years of distance, guilt and fear.  He knew Esau had cause to hate retaliate, even after all these years.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Don't give up meeting together...

The only striving we're called to do is to maintain a fervent faith (well, that, and others pertaining to faith)... "Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience." (Heb. 4:11)  The Isrealites fell into disobedience when they failed to believe God for the rest (a Sabbath rest) He had promised in delivering them from Egypt.