This was our family's entry into missions. Taylor was too young to go, so we elected to send our two oldest with their dad. I remember being overcome with gratitude at what they came home to share. (Aaron gave me permission to share his journal entry.)...
"May 26-29 (2000)
"I am home now and feel there are no adequate words to describe my first mission outside the United States. God chose this time in my life to experience this and I don't fully know why. The back of the shirt from Amor Ministries says, 'You made a difference. You built hope. You stopped asking what Jesus would do, and you did it. He said, "Go," and you went. He said, "You will do even greater things," and you did. Is this what He meant? You bet your sweet patootie. We've facilitated mission trips for 20 years, but you made this ministry work. Thank you."
"I am so amazed at how I can go to serve and have Him serve me back like I never imagined. What a wonderful gift He gave Tatum, Arin and myself. 'For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.' Mark 10:45
I worked physically harder than I ever had. I was able to think about Jesus physically as I worked. In our small group we were able to identify with our Savior, try to understand the physical aspect of becoming like Jesus.
I realized fully this weekend that the Mexican/American border cannot hold back Jesus our Lord. The same God is Lord of the world and all creation. 'Our' God is an awesome God.
It is difficult to understand why the two cultures are so different. I believe it's not right for us to impose our wants and lifestyle to them. While at times the conditions seemed horrible, I believe that some had 'plenty' in their culture, not by USA standards. Coco and Macho had electricity, tv, washer, etc. Is it insensitive and prideful to think that they might feel like they have a lot? I do not know. I hope my heart is pure in that area. I want to pray for Coco and Macho regularly.
Fred K - This is a guy that is truly utilizing his gifts and talents for Christ. His leadership skills stood out all weekend. He really loves what he does. It was a real treat to have the entire K- family on the trip. It added some comfort to being out of my comfort zone. Thank you, God!
It was neat to hang out with Marcus O and his friend Will. It's tough being a teenager and I enjoyed trying to relate to them.
I made some new friends while working together. They all were a blessing to me. Fred K, Ira and Suzanne W, Michelle W, Will, Matt P, Wendy, to name a few.
A couple cultural things that I learned were:
that trees were normally grown by wealthier people, and there is no banking system, so they invested extra money in (home) structures. Many are unfinished, revealing re-bar. Water is probably the most valuable resource. Most homes had water delivered by truck and stored in tanks or barrels. It is some of the driest country I have ever seen. It was amazing how clean the kids were. The girls were dressed pretty and their hair was styled and earrings in their ears.
I was very moved when I saw Coco give her daughters a frozen 'sandwich bag' of juice to eat as a popsicle. It looked so refreshing. It was obviously a wonderful treat for them on a hot, dry day.
It was wonderful to see Tatum holding and playing with the kids. She obviously has been given a gift to love kids no matter what nationality or culture. Arin got to use some independence that he loves. It was good for me to back off and let him work on his own. He did a great job on the roof, even though he tarred Matt B's gloves while being a 'tar baby'! the touch of the little girl on Arin's back was priceless.
Tatum decided against baptism on this trip. Lord, I pray that You would keep seeking her and show her that You are real and worth following.
We were challenged by Jonathan W to look for 'God Sightings' over the weekend. Here were a couple I saw:
-Tatum holding a child (as Jesus would)
-Susan giving haircuts (children coming)
-The touch on Arin's back
-The 'Popsicle' moment
-Watching and listening to the kids in front of the store
I have a hard time transitioning back to work. What I did in Mexico seems much more significant and eternal. Lord, I know You have a plan in place for me. I want to seek You and join in Your plans. I look forward to seeing it clearly. Mexico has impacted my life and I know that my life will never be the same. I am ready to follow You. Help me to humbly receive Your instruction. Mold me and shape me to do Your work, Lord. Looking in the rear-view mirror of my life, You have relentlessly sought me so I could have a relationship with You. You loved me that much. As a little boy, You sought me. As an adult, You sought me, and You never gave up. What does that mean? Am I too proud to say that You have big plans for me? I love You, Lord. You are awesome.
Jesus is Lord! Amen"
Wow, thanks so much for sharing this you guys. I remember this trip well - some come back more than others. i was recently reading a story on the effect of short-term trips and what a guy saw when he went back 25 years later. They are more important than most will ever know. Blessings.
Aaron came in and showed me yesterday, and it was cool to go back and read. We all got to go the following year. I may post a pictorial blog of that one. God is good. I'm so glad this one blessed your heart! You are a blessing to us!
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