Sunday, May 26, 2013

God's Good, Pleasing, and Perfect Will

"Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what the Lord's will is - His good, pleasing, and perfect will." Romans 12:2

I have a dream.  How much energy should I expend in making it a reality?  Should I promote it actively, or in a more nonchalant fashion?  I have an education to gain - in what order should I place my priorities?  It seems like the Lord is tugging at my heart - but I just don't know.  Help!

This morning I came to an interesting realization.  Well, maybe it's been happening over the last little while.  (I love how the Lord works.)  I realized that I'm unable to successfully and confidently determine what the Lord's will is.  The reason for this inability - and here's the realization - is that I've allowed myself to conform in various ways to the pattern of the world in which I'm living.  That's when He reminded me of the verse above, Romans 12.  As He did, I began to see glimpses of the reality that is yet to come - His will. (?)  He has a good, pleasing, and perfect will.  As I'm being conformed to His image - transforming my thoughts and actions - I can start to see (and do) His will.

One step at a time, walking in obedience to a living, loving and holy God, I will see His will fulfilled.

Thank You, Jesus.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mullins' Escape

Posting this for Jill-ann.  Praying for Dottie's safe return, and for the care she receives in the meantime.

Years ago, we had a cockatiel that we named Mullins - after one of my favorite music artists.  This is the story of our heartbreak, uncertainty and reconciliation.

ANSWERED PRAYER: Mullins' Escape!

I took our cockatiel (Mullins) out of his cage, and brought him upstairs with me while I finished some chores. He was a great little buddy.  As I was putting away clothes, he flew out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out the back door. Before he reached the back door, however, he bumped into a window. (ouch!) This probably shook him up a bit. I had run down the stairs and saw him just as he flew over the back wall, landing in the drainpipe of the house behind us. From my backyard, I could see his little yellow head as he perched in this temporary sanctuary. I sent Aaron outside to call Mullins. Mullins loved Aaron.  Aaron called, but Mullins wouldn't come. Aaron came back inside and went out again after a few minutes. This time, Mullins climbed up onto the edge of the drainpipe. We were hopeful that he would come right over. he lifted off to take flight, some pigeons from the house next door also took flight.  I'm sure he felt as if they were in pursuit. In his fright, Mullins soared off over the top of our house. Out of sight and certainly unreachable.

Later on, I walked through the neighborhood. Mullins could have been anywhere! I was quite discouraged. After the kids got home, Taylor and I made flyers and posted them on mailboxes (we have the community-type boxes). Before we set out, we prayed. We asked the Lord to protect Mullins, and we asked that He would help Mullins find a home if he were not to come back to us. We knew that God could tell Mullins how to get home. Of course 'could' and 'would' are two different things. Later that night I prayed, Aaron had prayed, and Taylor was praying.

The next day, I realized that the mailman had removed the flyers we had posted the day before. We decided not to re-post them. We continued to pray. It was not looking good, though. The night before had been cold. A small bird like Mullins can catch cold very easily and that's the end of it. He's not a wild bird, so he's not able to find his own food and water. 36 hours is a long time! In the mean time, we left his cage on the back porch, with plenty of fresh seed, water.

On the next day, still no Mullins. That morning was colder than the one before, which meant that the night had been colder, too. I realized the day before that I was going to miss his little voice and his whistles. We have a lovebird, too. They call to one another. Sylvester would miss his buddy. Things didn't seem very hopeful...until that afternoon.

When we got home from school, there was a message on the answering machine. A boy had found our bird. He was three blocks away (on the street that I reluctantly went ahead and posted flyers on that first day). The boy, Patrick, said that he and his friend were playing outside earlier and spotted Mullins on top of the roof. Patrick, 12 yrs. old, climbed up on the roof and brought Mullins down. He took him inside where his mother put some water out. Mullins was VERY thirsty, they said. They had him in a little cage. We were so excited!!

When we picked Mullins up, he barely weighed anything! He was starving and very weak. I gave Patrick a $20 reward, since that is what we had promised on our flyer. We went home, clipped Mullins' wings, and set him up with plenty of food and water in his own cozy home.

In the meantime, Patrick tracked us down and returned the reward. He said he was glad that he was able to help and that's all the thanks he needed. Great kid!! We decided to leave a gift for Patrick and his friends on his doorstep. The card said, "Thank you for saving Mullins!"

You can be sure that we thanked the Lord for answering our prayer in such a fantastic way! We thanked Him for keeping Mullins safe, for bringing him home and for giving Patrick the courage to do what he did - both times!  We were fortunate to experience such a happy ending.  It was a great picture of the Lord's sovereignty, provision and care.

"In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge...
Be my rock of refuge to which I can always go..."
Psalm 71:1,3