Monday, September 5, 2011

(Master) - Pt. 3

John Newton, former 18th century slave trader, said,  "I acknowledged the Lord's mercy in pardoning what was past, but depended chiefly upon my own resolution to do better for the next time to come... my strength was no more than my righteousness... I cannot consider myself to have been a believer (in the full sense of the word) till a considerable time afterwards."  ~JN, 1787

So much of what we do, we believe, is based on our own merit.  As long as we hold to that mindset, we continue in bondage.

I cannot save myself...
As good as I try to be...  As many good things as I try to accomplish to outweigh the bad things I've done... I can never earn a place beside a holy, loving and just God.  It's simply not possible on my own.  Every one of my efforts is weak in light of His glory and grace.

You cannot serve two masters...
I'm good or I'm bad.  Period.  I can't be good on one day and bad on another, and hope to be found faithful in God's eyes.  If I want glory and fame... or wealth and prosperity... I am not seeking the kingdom of God.  I am seeking the kingdom of Me.  Seeking a kingdom is the same as being its slave.

These two Greek words are the beautiful paradox of the New Testament.  Doulos (bond-servant): "a slave, one who is in a permanent relation of servitude to another, his will being altogether consumed in the will of the other." (Zhodiates)  And kurios (lord): "might, power.  Lord, master, owner." (Zhodiates)  This is the truth of our relationship in Christ.  He has freed us from the yoke of sin, and put on us His own yoke.  It is a bond that frees us to be who He has truly called us to be.  Satan's bondage is dark and oppressive.  In Christ, we are free to experience joy, and life and love to the fullest extent possible!

"Submission to the lordship of Christ - a heart attitude that works itself out in obedience to Him - is the defining mark of those who are genuinely converted."  ~John Maxwell, Slave

 1 Peter 1:2; Colossians 3:22-24; Titus 2:14; Romans 6; ps 123:2; 1 tim 6:8; phil 4:19; mt 25:21-23;

Jesus gave His own life to buy us out of bondage to sin and into His amazing kingdom of grace!

The difference between a son and a slave...
The best news of all is that He didn't stop at saving us so that we would become slaves to a better Master.   He's adopted us as His own.  We are sons and daughters of the King Most High.  (If we put our trust in Him.)  What a privilege to be a bond-servant, seated at His table!

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly trust in Jesus' name.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand.
~Edward Mote, circa 1860

 Lord Jesus, my King.  Blessed Redeemer.  Holy Father.

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