Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Unnecessary Roughness

Lord, God, I'm not proud of my behavior yesterday.  Why is it so difficult to turn from wrath?  To simply be silent, and let foolishness run its course?  Why can't I remember, in the heat of the moment, that a gentle answer turns away wrath?  Where was my gentle answer?

Two things...
1. It is important to remember what it feels like to be bound by flesh.  Victory isn't always and necessarily easy.  I forget that when I'm counseling others.
 2. Sometimes you have to take a stand.  Christ has called us to compassion... and to liberty.  Sometimes you have to speak up.

The things that I did and said were not "bad."  They just weren't the "best."  (It's funny... I can actually hear those words in my Grandmother's voice, although she didn't say them.)  Allow yourself a failure, now and then.  You know the truth.  Stand in it! 

(I didn't learn this by my own insight. It is the Holy Spirit who teaches me what I need to know.)

Father, please forgive me for the things I have done that have removed me from Your presence - in the heat of the moment.  Help me to silence the flesh, and to walk according to Your Spirit.  My pride rises up and, though making an attempt to remain humble, I just can't shake the feeling that I'm to do something to address injustice.  I want to fight - not flee.  I believe you are calling me to action.  Help me to recognize the thoughts, motives and actions that I need to overcome and abandon for the sake of (true) peace and eternal glory.  When the moment is right, please give me the words, Dear Lord, that should pierce the heart.  May Your Spirit remove a heart of stone and replace it with a living heart that breeds more life.

Lord, I know that I did a lot of things right, yesterday... Help me to remain steadfast.

In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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