Friday, May 13, 2011

Be Still and Know

"Cease striving," the Bible says.  What does that mean?  It means to be absent of any sort of anxiousness... to not be "agonizing" over a situation or circumstance.  It means to enter into rest.  How does that happen?

It can only happen when we have a right perspective of who God is, and what He is able to accomplish.  Psalm 46:10 in the NET Bible says, "Stop your striving and recognize that I am God!"  (You're not!)  To cease is the Hebrew word raphah, which means to relax, to become limp; to be feeble, to be weak; to leave alone... to release.  A couple of different images come to mind, for me.  They seem contradictory, but they're not.  One is that of a relaxed posture, where the shoulders drop, and muscles become limp.  Not a posture of tension, but of complete submission.  The other is that of an arrow, stretched back against the string in a bow, and then released.  It flies where the wind and its propulsion takes it, "resting" in its flight.  Trusting the wind to do its work.

I have pictured myself falling back into the arms of Jesus. My striving ends, and His strength takes over. It's a much better place to be.

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