Sad that He saw how her dad abused her mom, a step-dad took advantage of her innocence, teen-age boys had their way with her, and a husband broke her heart. Frightening, too, that He would see her sin... what she did in secret; how she lied and stole and cheated; how she killed her unborn child. He also saw how her life would be a testimony of His grace. Remarkable.
Just like He saw Hagar (Genesis 16), the God of heaven saw my abuse, and He saw my sin, and He saw what I would become. He saved me. Not for the good I had done, but because of His mercy toward me. His loving kindness is what led me to repentance, on January 7, 1990. That is the day my life changed for better, for eternity.
Hagar was in circumstances that were beyond her control. Her master was Abram, and she served his wife Sarai. To escape famine, Abram had gone into Egypt with his wife and his wealth, and came out with at least one additional slave. Abram and his wife were given a promise. They would have a son. In their eyes, this was not possible. Sarah had never given birth, and she was very old. She sent her servant in to sleep with her husband. Hagar conceives, and is then treated badly ("harshly," Scripture says), so she runs away.
In Genesis 16:7-8, the Lord speaks to Hagar, and assures her that He has a plan - a purpose - for the child in her womb. He names the child, and tells her to go back and submit to her mistress. For a moment, the sovereign Lord of all creation has Hagar's attention. He sees her, and she acknowledges Him. In verses 13-14, she refers to Him as El Roi. El is a Hebrew term referring to might or power, and roi means to see. She says, "You are the God who sees me." And she names the well, Beer-lahai-roi, which means, "the well of the Living One who sees me."
Who was Hagar that the Lord would take note of her? Who was I that He would take note of me?! And who are you? God is gracious, compassionate, all-knowing, ever-loving. He cares.
Are you interested in being known? Would it make you uncomfortable to acknowledge His grace? Have you found relief in the warmth of His love?
"Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in Your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when yet there was none of them.
How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!"
~Psalm 139:16-17
God had in mind to write my story before I was even born. Blind from birth, I couldn't see Him. He saw me on the side of the road, in my helpless state. It wasn't that I sinned, or that my parents sinned that I was born blind, but that the works of God might be revealed in me. Though I was born sinful, by nature, I hadn't yet committed any sin. At the right time, He reached over and touched me. I was given sight, and responded in obedience. My life now reflects, although imperfectly, His power and His presence. (John 9:1-7)
See also Isaiah 43:1b; Isaiah 49: 1-3; Ephesians 1:11-14.
He sees me... and He's made me beautiful.
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