Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jesus is (Master) - Pt. 1

Imagine you drive into a new town with "nothing."  You’ve got a beat up old car, the clothes on your back and no other possessions to speak of.  You need food in order to survive.  In fact, your last meal was four days ago, and you’re really, really hungry.  Shelter would also be nice.  You've tried to find a job, but there are really none to be had.  No one can afford to hire you.  You could sell your car, but what would it get you?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Missing Cambridge...

Rozita, Billie, Levi, Jesse, Josiah... Devon, Ethan, Isaac, Ami!!!... Holly, Wes, Mitch, let's see... I know I've missed a bunch...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Coming Home

There are so many things going through my heart and mind this evening, as I "come down" from our mission trip to Idaho.  It's interesting because I see God's hand in all that was accomplished.  I pray that I haven't gotten in the way... that He might have done even more.  His will is perfect... as well as His way.