Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Parenting and the Gospel

I met with a young single mom today.  She had two children, ages 2 and 5, with her.  She had her hands full!  After we left one another, I was thinking of how well a particular scenario demonstrated our need for a Savior, as well as our human condition.

At one point,  I set myself as an authority over her 5yo son.  He was full of energy, and would disrupt our conversation, without reservation.  I called him to me, and explained that he was in "my" room, so he would need to follow my rules.  I told him to sit in a big chair, and so he sat.  As he sat there, he recognized that I wasn't the only authority in the room.  He got up, and "appealed" to what he saw as a "higher" authority... His mom.  And, perhaps, she is.  God has set his mother as the highest human authority in her son's life (as well as her daughter's).  Although their father ultimately holds that place, she is the guardian for the majority of their lives.  She is the one who is constant, so it's her authority that matters most.  So... her son gets out of the chair, and he stands in front of her.  "You're the boss," he says.  Not with his voice, but with his eyes.  He's also saying, "Do I have to listen to her?" and  "What are you going to do?"  She doesn't do anything.  She's trying to have a conversation, and ignoring him seems to be the best response.  Eventually, he figures out that neither of us is the boss, but that he gets to make the rules.

Isn't that what we do with God?  Before I gave my life over to Him, that's exactly what I did.  And, even now, I sometimes catch myself being tempted by those types of thought patterns.  I'm told to do this, and I'd rather do that.  So I need a Savior... just as much as that little boy needs a Mommy.  I need Someone to explain to me how dangerous life is without a loving Parent.  I need to know I can trust Him to provide for me... not just food and clothing and shelter... but discipline, too.  Because without loving rules and boundaries, my life is in danger - with painful consequences.  If I am willing to live under the proper authority, I can experience true joy and happiness.  I can rest, knowing that my basic needs, and even most of my desires will be met.  That's why I need Jesus.  He's a good and loving Guardian... my Shepherd, actually.  (Read Psalm 23!)

I'm so thankful to that precious mom, and her little boy!  The time we spent this afternoon was good for me.  None of us is exempt from lessons to be learned in the course of our lives... least of all, me.

37191: Shepherding a Child"s Heart, Revised and Updated Shepherding a Child's Heart, Revised and Updated

By Tedd Tripp / Shepherd Press

Grounded in the Bible's divine plan for parenting, this guide defines your goals as a parent and provides the Scriptural methods for accomplishing them.

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